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GoMacro's Farm Share Program

Inspiring employees to eat seasonally by sharing the bounty of our Wisconsin family farm

GoMacro's Farm

Our co-founder Amelia's garden has always provided a bounty of produce; buckets of apples, heaps of raspberries, and seemingly endless amounts of peppers. As time went on, it was evident that we had quite a bit to share, so we began offering the surplus to our Wisconsin employees, quickly realizing there was an opportunity to develop a CSA program (Community Supported Agriculture) within our GoMacro community.

"I first knew that the program was a success when employees would see me at the facility, for various reasons, they assumed I was bringing produce from the farm. They would excitedly ask me what I had brought that day. There was an increased interest in what was growing at the farm, strengthening the bond between the farm and the GoMacro facility, week by week. We’re proud to have introduced the employees to a variety of organic veggies and fruit.”

– Ronda Dallmann, GoMacro Farm and Garden Manager

How It Works

During our 20-week growing period from early June to October, harvested fruits and vegetables are placed into upcycled nut-butter buckets and delivered weekly to GoMacro HQ, located just over 6 miles down the road from the farm. With a wide range of produce in each share, employees are able to experiment with unfamiliar vegetables like baby bok choy, rhubarb, rutabagas, and beet greens. Each share also includes well-known favorites such as spinach, cauliflower, watermelon, carrots and oregano for example.

A weekly newsletter is provided with each delivery and includes recipe suggestions and outlined health benefits related to the produce.



Vegatables in a basket

Join a Farm Share Program

Eating locally and seasonally is a great way to support your community, lessen your carbon footprint and consume the most nutritionally-dense produce available. By sharing our farm share journey, we hope to inspire others to eat seasonally and join a farm share program in your area.

Community Supported Agriculture has become a popular way for consumers to buy local, seasonal food directly from the farmer. If you are interested in joining a CSA program in your area click here!

Watch our Farm Share IGTV video.