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10 Wellness Activities to Practice at Home

Self-care doesn’t have to mean extravagant vacations or days at the spa. There are plenty of simple and affordable opportunities to focus on physical and mental well-being without even leaving the house! Here are 10 serotonin-boosting activities you can enjoy from the comfort of home.

Woman on the couch reading a book and drinking coffee


It’s no surprise that meditation brings short-term stress relief, as well as lasting stress management benefits. The beauty of meditation is that you can practice it anywhere. Try repeating a mantra while taking short breaths to relax your mind. You should also take a few minutes a day to practice mindfulness. Pay close attention to what you see, hear, taste, or smell, and you will feel yourself becoming more centered.Try out these meditation apps from Calm and Headspace to quiet the mind and relax the body.


Yoga is a perfect way to sharpen your concentration and focus, create body awareness, and relieve stress. Yoga has been shown to increase levels of gamma-aminobutyric acid, or GABA, a chemical in the brain that helps regulate nerve activity. Visit the Boho Beautiful channel on YouTube for virtual yoga, and be sure to watch the “Blissful Yoga Flow For Unsettling Times” video. Also check out the free sessions offered by “Yoga With Adrienne.”

Working Out At Home

Gym isn’t your scene? Try an at-home workout! Not only are they effective and convenient, but they also allow you to try out something new from the comfort of home. Circuit training is one of the most efficient ways to burn fat, build muscle, and help our bodies and minds handle stress. Check out mindbodygreen for online workout sessions with well-being experts to support you while you exercise at home. P.Volve, Beachbody On Demand, and obé fitness and many other apps and websites also offer amazing online workouts to help you get moving in the way that feels best for your body.


There’s nothing like a brisk hike or climb to lift your spirits. Getting outside for even a short walk can help reduce stress, anxiety, blood pressure, and cortisol levels, producing a calming effect only nature can offer. Enjoying fresh air also decreases what psychologists call “rumination”, which are negative thought patterns that play over in our heads. Never underestimate the power of a great hike. Visit, or download their app to help you plan your next hike.

Bike Riding

Bike riding is an excellent way to curb the stress and anxiety that many of us face every day. Going for daily bike rides also improves memory, stimulates creative thinking and helps you sleep better, and reduces the risk of depression.


Horticulture heals! Keeping our minds fresh, active, and occupied is pivotal for our well-being and provides a much needed respite from screens and technology. It’s amazing how stepping outside and tending to a garden can instantly reduce anxiety and lift your mood. The caring, cultivation, and nurturing of plants gives us a sense of responsibility to nature and a connection to other living things.


Food is integral to our physical health and well-being – and it can also be an enjoyable part of the day! Trying a new vegan recipe or cooking with family can be fun and therapeutic. Check out these simple and satisfying meal ideas for tasty inspiration. Also, enjoy delicious vegan recipes from GoMacro, made with fresh, clean ingredients.


There’s nothing like a clean, organized home to make everything else in life feel a little more streamlined. Take a little time each week to clean out a specific area - closets, pantries, dressers, or anywhere clutter tends to accumulate. Utilizing space and creating organization will help save time and money, reduce spoilage, and keep disorder to a minimum. An added bonus is that once you have organized these spaces in your house, you can donate extra clothing and other non-perishable items to charity.


Take time to discover a new podcast! There is no shortage of wellness podcasts out there relating to fitness, nutrition, and mental health. The Skinny Confidential, Almost 30, The Gabby Reece Show, and Goop are just a few great podcasts to keep you informed, entertained, and inspired.


Whether you’ve thought about taking an online course, learning a new language, or finishing a book that you’ve never had time to read, there are more resources than ever to make it happen at home. Younger learners can brush up on knowledge with Khan Academy or you can take college courses from some of the best universities in the world for free with websites like Coursera and Class Central. You can also learn nearly any skill – from houseplant care to bread baking to intention setting – on Skillshare.

Wellness activities are accessible to us any time – and many of them don’t even require leaving the house! Whether you’re a homebody by nature or just looking for ways to enjoy your time at home, all it takes is a little creativity to elevate your physical health and enhance your mental wellbeing.